Lettuce Growing Tips

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Lettuce Growing Tips


All About Lettuce!

This week we are talking about lettuce. Lettuce is versatile and with a few tips, it is an easy crop even for a beginner or balcony gardener, as it can be direct sown, grows well in containers, and adapts to shade well too. Below you will find handy lettuce tips and articles your customers may find helpful. You can copy and paste the tips, share the article links in your newsletters or other media or scroll down to find our Facebook posts about the articles and share directly to Facebook from there.

Lettuce Quick Tips to Share:

Lettuce get growing already!
We are “sow” excited for homegrown produce! The season always starts off with succulent salad greens. Here are our favorite tips for lettuce success:

  1. Light aids germination for lettuce seeds; sow near the soil surface.                    
  2. Ideal soil (not air) temperatures for germination are 60°–70°F, but above 80°F seeds go dormant. If you live in a warm summer climate, shade the sowing area during germination or consider starting your lettuce seed indoors.    
  3. Summer heat can cause lettuce to bolt and turn bitter. Grow your summer lettuce where it will get afternoon shade; for example, north of your tomatoes or pole beans.

Growing lettuce  is easy once you know these simple steps.

More Articles
For even more information explore these links:

Lettuce: Sow and Grow
Get tips from seed to harvest on how to grow lush, delicious lettuce.

Bolting: What, Why, and How to Prevent it
Learn how to avoid bolting (undesired flowering) in the vegetable garden.

Heat-tolerant Lettuces and Other Greens
Grow lettuce and greens all summer long with some pro tips.

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