Fall Lawn Care Tips

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Fall Lawn Care Tips


Fall is when you need to get your lawn in order

Jason French, Greenhouse Manager

6 September 2016

September is here. Not only do we transition our beds and containers to fall, now is the time to get our lawns back in shape. A lot of the fescue lawns were stressed and damaged by the hot, dry summer. The most common way to quickly improve a lawn is with some seeding. If your lawn is mostly full but has thinned over seeding would be a good choice. If it has really suffered a re-seeding may be needed. Regardless of which method you are doing, there are many points that are the same.

1. Prepare the lawn. Weeds should be sprayed ahead of time. For leafy weeds, I like the Weed-Out. It will clean up dandelions, sourge and other weeds. It should be sprayed 1-2 weeks before seeding. Grassy weeds can be controlled two ways. The Weed-Out with Q will help with annual grasses like sandbur and crabgrass. Perennial grasses like Bermuda will need to be killed off with Kilz-all or Round Up. Good control of weeds before seeding is important because we can’t treat again until the new grass is tall enough to have been mowed a couple of times.

now is the time to get our lawns back in shape

2. Choose a good seed. We carry 5-Star plus seed. It is a blend of five of the top performing varieties in this area. It does very well in sun and light shade. It is low growing to reduce mowing and has a deep green color. If you get seed elsewhere always plant a blend! If you plant a monoculture (one variety) and it has a disease or bug problem it will affect the entire lawn, with a blend many varieties may not be affected so the lawn is not lost. I also encourage investing in premium seed. Cheaper seed may have more weed seed or in the case of K-31, it is a coarse bladed grass that doesn’t hold up in hot dry conditions. Grass seed genetics have improved greatly, just like improvements in our flowers, take advantage of these improvements.

“The most common way to quickly improve a lawn is with some seeding. “

3. Prior to applying the seed, mow a notch or two shorter so the seed can make good soil contact. A slice seeder is the best choice for seeding. It cuts grooves ¼” – 3/8” deep and applies the seed. It is pretty much required for re-seeding a lawn. If you are over-seeding the worst spots can be roughed up by used of a garden rake and then seeded. When re-seeding use 8-10 lbs. per 1000 square feet. Over-seeding should be done at about 5 lbs. per 1000 feet. It is possible to put too much seed on. It will come up very thick an then choke itself out and you may end up with a thinner stand than if you used less seed.

Water is the most important part of any seeding.

4. Fertilizer – Use a starter fertilizer. It is specifically designed to help new seed get established. It is the only lawn fertilizer with phosphorous. It is needed for healthy grass. Once the roots grow in we have plenty in our soils, but new grass with no roots can benefit from some at surface level. Four to six weeks later apply a Fall feeding to the grass to help prepare it for Winter.

5. Water is the most important part of any seeding. It will determine the success or failure of all your work. Grass seed must be kept moist until it germinates and the root can get into the soil. If the seed sprouts and then dries out the root will die. The key is frequent, light watering. Then gradually wean it back to normal dries.

More Tips …
General Gardening Tips

–  Fall is a great time to plant trees, shrubs, bulbs, perennials, grass seed and sod. Plants that are planted in the fall enjoy cooler temperatures and ideal growing conditions that allow roots ample time to grow into the surrounding soil. Use starter plant fertilizer mix when planting.

–  Plants and trees that provide color in the month of September include Beautyberry, Crape Myrtles, Cotoneaster, Viburnums, Hypericum, Hydrangeas, Potentilla, Pyracantha and Butterfly Bush. There are lots of perennials with interest now including Coreopsis, Scabiosa and ornamental grasses. Add a touch of fall to your landscape by planting hardy Mums now.

–  Do not prune Azaleas, Rhododendrons and other spring flowering shrubs because they have already set their buds for next year’s blooms. If you feel these shrubs do need to be pruned, however, you can prune them now, but you will sacrifice next spring flowers.

–  Time to transplant peonies or divide them if you wish to multiply your plants.

–  Spring blooming bulbs are best to plant in October. Plant Iris, Tulips, Crocus, Daffodils and many others for glorious color next spring.

Tips on applying weed killer:

–  Do not apply weed controls on newly seeded areas. Do not apply weed controls on windy days. Do not apply weed controls near or on the edge of waterways. Do not apply weed controls when temperatures are above 85 degrees F.

–  Do not allow children or pets to play on lawns freshly applied with weed controls. Wait until weed control is dry.

–  Always check the label of weed control products and follow the labeling instructions.

Fruit and Vegetable Gardens

–  Time to continue with fall crops. You can still seed beets, radishes, turnips, and leaf lettuce





  1. I had no idea that fall was the best time to plant trees! I figured Spring is the best time to do that. But it makes sense, since it will have time to grow before Spring comes. Then it can start to bloom and really grow during once Spring hits!

  2. what great information. i dint know when weeding, temperature plays a factor. and to plant trees, shrubs and bulbs would be better in the fall.

  3. Wow,thanks, very interesting article! All the time I am fighting weeds during sowing and growing. and after reading this article, I realized my mistake, I am struggling with them on a recently sown plot of land. I totally agree that water is one of the most important elements in the sowing season. Seeds need energy to grow which they cannot get without water.
    It was always interesting what technologies I use to grow lawns for football fields.
    I think now I will have more successful crops and will use your advices.

    • We’re happy we could help! If you have any follow up questions feel free to contact us. We’re here to help.

  4. Thanks for sharing, this was a great read!! As someone who’s also into lawn care I find it so important to make sure my lawn is in the best shape for the fall season! It’s helpful to tend to my lawn after the harsh summer heat in the fall and then prep it for the winter months. Thanks for this info!

  5. “Fantastic resource for lawn care tips! The detailed insights and practical advice on maintaining a lush, healthy lawn are incredibly helpful. This guide is perfect for both beginners and seasoned lawn enthusiasts looking to elevate their lawn game. Thanks for sharing such valuable information!”

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