

Petunias, a Spring Favorite IN YOUR GARDEN Nothing says spring like petunias. They are great for spring because they tolerate a light frost just fine but thrive in the sunny days of spring. There are two basic types of petunias grown, seed and vegetative (grown from cuttings). Vegetative petunias are probably more well known today. They are the cascading types used so much in containers and baskets. They are grown from a cutting that...

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Great Garden Tips

Great Garden Tips

June gardening tips,  make sure to do the following … IN YOUR GARDEN Pruning Storm Damaged Trees Summer storms may cause serious tree damage. Often you will have to decide whether a tree can be saved or not. Here is a checklist on care of a storm-damaged landscape: Be safe: Check for downed power lines or hanging branches. Don’t venture under the tree until it is safe. If large limbs are hanging precariously, a certified...

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Making and Using Compost at Home IN THE GARDEN Compost is a mixture of soil and decayed organic matter or humus that is used to improve garden and potting soil. Properly prepared compost is free from weed seeds and offensive odors and rich in nutrients that plants need. It may be applied as a thin top dressing for lawns, as mulch around shrubs and young trees, or mixed into the soil in vegetable and flower gardens. Compost is produced in piles...

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Perfect Pansies are Easy with These Helpful Hints IN THE GARDEN Gardeners in warmer Zones have long known that pansies can be planted in fall and continue to grow and bloom all winter and into spring. What isn’t as well known is that pansies can overwinter as far north as Zone 4, making them hardy even in parts of the northern United States and southern Canada.   Plant pansies 6 to 8 inches apart. Many gardeners chafe at the idea of...

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Facts & Myths about this beautiful plant …   BEAUTIFUL ADDITION TO YOUR CHRISTMAS DECOR List of Poinsettias We Grow The poinsettia is probably the most iconic plant for Christmas. The poinsettia was used for centuries in its native range in Mexico as a flower for celebrations and its leaves for red dyes. Its migration to America began in the 1820’s. Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett was named the first ambassador to Mexico from the...

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