The Benefits of Water Fountains

Decorating Ideas From Our Gift Gallery

Water fountains have become very popular over the last decade and besides being whimsical and beautiful people are realizing the many benefits a fountain can have.
Stress Relief & Relaxation
Everyone has a little stress in their life and could use some stress relief and relaxation at the end of a hard day. With its soothing sounds of flowing water your water fountain will bring stress relief and relaxation to your environment. Great for your favorite room, office, garden or patio. When researching a fountain look for one with nice water sounds, nothing too overbearing or with no sound at all. Many fountains offer adjustable pumps so you can adjust the flow to your liking.
Indoor & Outdoor Décor
An indoor or outdoor fountain will add instant beauty to your surroundings. Whether it is a large wall fountain, a tabletop fountain or a garden fountain, you are decorating and showing your style. A wall fountain is a piece of art and will quickly become a centerpiece for your home. Interior Designers are often using wall mounted fountains as a focal point in their decorating.
Natural Humidifier
Fountains act as natural humidifiers, adding moisture to a dry room. Humidifiers can be loud and have a buzzing or motor sound. Indoor fountains humidify the air while you enjoy the soothing sound of running water. Humidifiers can also get mold and mildew build up quickly where a fountain with moving water will not do this. An water fountain can also help your indoor plants by adding extra humidity that is lost when heat or air conditioning units are running.
Negative Ions
In today’s electronic world there are many gadgets that emit negative ions in our homes and offices. Indoor water fountains can improve the air in your home with negative ions, reducing the air pollution. Dust is attracted by the negative ions so your water fountain is actively working to purify the air. The continuous moving water in a fountain will not only relax you with its water sounds, but will also rejuvenate you with negative ions. Water fountains are much more stunning to look at than an ionic air purifier and can be less costly.
Drinking Source for Pets
Have you ever noticed your dog or cat wanting to drink from a faucet or hose? Pets typically love running water. Your fountain can be a favorite for your pet at the same time it is adding beauty to your home. As long as you aren’t using any harmful chemicals to your water this is completely safe. If you need chemicals to remove algae or any other build up and you have pets or small children try the Care Free Enzymes Fountain Protector. It is non-toxic, all natural enzymes and bacteria free.
Drowning Out Annoying Sounds
You will be amazed at how even a soft flowing water sound can drown out other sounds around you such as traffic, voices in the next room, that dog that always barks at the same time every night and the neighbor in the upstairs apartment who walks loud. The sound of flowing water will help you relax and give you a new sound to enjoy drowning out other sounds around you.

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It’s amazing to learn that water fountains could work as a way to reduce a person’s stress because of the sounds it makes. My brother is looking for something that can make his garden beautiful, and I believe that this could work out! I’ll recommend that he look for garden decor water fountains for his home.
We hope he enjoys it!